Hi there!

You are in the right place if you are a mama of faith in need of encouragement and resources so YOU can Feel Good about your decision to stay home with your kiddos now, and the years after.

My goal is for you to spend LESS time looking for home resources and MORE time connecting with your family.

Robbyn xox

Welcome So glad you're here!

I've been a follower of Jesus Christ for over 29yrs, and I have been homeschooling my children for 12 yrs. You can find out more about me in my newsletters and by clicking the button below for my blog.

FYI - That cool rotating welcome was added by my 17yr old son Matthew, who loves computer science. Another benefit of homeschooling. He began coding around the age of 8yrs old.


What people say

"The Digital Alphabet Workbook has been a great addition to our homeschool, the workbook has a good variety of activities to engage
the kids in practicing their writing and creativity without it looking as school. My 8yr old says it its very fun to work on it. I’ll also be using it with my special needs son, that needs extra practice. Great to be able to use the workbook over and over again.."


- Myrna

Homeschool mom

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